School Activities
At the onset, let me brief you about the inception of this school. Sri. Late A.S. Narayana Raju is the founder of this young institution called Young Scholars Academy. He is also a co-founder of ASK Brothers Enterprise, a name synonymous with construction and asset management. It is a diverse corporation with a family tradition of over six decades, which has created a benchmark for excellence, integrity and creativity in the construction industry, commercial complexes, educational institutions, and hospitality infrastructure.
Now his children are carrying forward the family mantle and remain committed to excellent value proposition with the vision to provide quality education to all students of this institution. Currently it is managed by his son Sri RaviKumar Raju and Smt. Tara Raju the current Chairman & Secretary respectively. Their children too, are young Directors of this institution, Smt. Tanya Raju & Kum. Trisha Raju, following their footsteps. A supportive management and wonderful people with a vision to give better education to the students rule the helm of this wonderful institution. It would be unfair if I don’t mention the parent fraternity who has had faith in us for so many years and we promise to deliver our best.
This report showcases the achievements and glories of our school, undoubtedly, but also makes us think deeply about strengthening ourselves in various other areas. We have always been committed to create an environment in the school which helps the young minds to blossom and provide a platform for individual thinking and holistic development of the child’s personality.
We have set standards and goals for ourselves and strive hard to achieve them – be it in the area of academics, sports, discipline, leadership and more. Each year students have made the school proud with their brilliant efforts not only in the field of academics but also in the co- curricular areas.
Over the last 21 months the pandemic has played its part in all our lives. The academic years faced a very challenging time. The pandemic brought the world to a complete halt with multiple lockdowns all over the Nation. It had become imperative to stay at home and we had to decide how to meaningfully utilize our time. In these hard times, we had to maintain positivity and high morale. Our teachers had to change to online teaching, requiring them to use various digital tools and resources and implement new approaches to teach so that they enable fruitful learning. I am grateful to have such a wonderful team of facilitators. They faced every hurdle that came their way.
I wish to throw light upon our performance on the academic and co-curricular front through this presentation. Achieving academic excellence is at the heart of our endeavour as educators. Academic achievements reflect a demonstrated ability to perform to the best of one’s ability by developing one’s intellectual potentials and skills with diligence and passion. We are happy to share the details of the commendable performances of our students of Classes LKG to X. Excellence in academics is the hallmark of any good institution and results of the school prove without any doubt that our students have made us proud and will continue to do so.
Young Scholars Academy is a diverse community committed to living our faith and to challenging the whole child through academic excellence, physical development and social-emotional growth in a respectful and supportive environment.
We hope to make a BIG DIFFERENCE in the lives of our students who are tomorrow’s leaders. We are grateful to our families, grandparents, alumni, parents of alumni, and friends who enrich us with time, talents and treasures. We are appreciative of our amazing faculty and staff who tirelessly dedicate their time and energy to our students.
We extend much gratitude to each of you for your support to Young Scholars Academy! Thanks for your support, we are able to fulfill our mission To Learn to Lead with handson learning experience for our scholars that’s both affordable and accessible.
As a parent, you are the major provider of your child’s education from birth through adolescence. You guide the development of his/her character and mental health and help form the foundation from which he/she’ll develop lifelong attitudes and interests. And because your home is the primary environment in which your child’s potential and personality will take shape, it’s important to make sure that you create a positive, open atmosphere that will not only support what goes on in the classroom, but will also instill the desire to learn.
It is through your love and encouragement that your kids will become motivated — first to please you, and then to please themselves. This leads to self-confidence, curiosity, the enjoyment of mastering new tasks, and other healthy attitudes, all of which contribute to successful learning.
In the past months home schooling has become an integral part of all our lives. While it’s true that all of the facts, skills, and concepts your children learn at school are influenced by what you do at home, your child’s education is equally impacted by the relationships you form with his/her teachers. Building an effective relationship with the teacher is a critical task, and, like you, every teacher wants to achieve this goal. As with any relationship, mutual respect, the ability to listen, and lots of communication form the foundation.
When parents and teachers work well together, everyone benefits. Parents and teachers can provide each other with unique insight and different perspectives about the same child, culminating in a more complete understanding of that child, her abilities, strengths, and challenges. The teacher will know much more about the curriculum and the school culture, while you know more about your child’s personality, tendencies, and family life. A successful parent-teacher partnership also shows a child that an entire team of adults is on his/her side.
I proudly present to you toppers of our school for the year 2019-20.
- English Topper – Saaniya R – 93%
- Social Science Topper – Harini BL- 100%
- Kannada Topper- Harini BL- 94%
- Mathematics Std Topper – Harini BL – 91 % & N. Madhumita- 91%
- Mathematics Basic Topper – Neemah Mariam – 91%
- Science Topper – N. Madhumita- 91%
- Hindi Topper- Amna Bushra – 95%
Topper for the year 2020-21 are:
- Social Science Topper – Aafiya Naaz – 98%
- Kannada Topper- Aafiya Naaz – 95%
- Mathematics Std Topper – Aafiya Naaz – 92%
- Science Topper – Aafiya Naaz- 94% & Rida Saleem Shaikh- 94%
- Information Technology- Aafiya Naaz- 97%
- Hindi Topper- Rida Saleem Shaikh – 93%
Our teachers have put in their best foot forward to ensure that these children emerge as winners. Congratulations to each one of you for making us proud.
Let me also tell you about our current batch of class 10 students who aspire to become engineers and doctors are not going for any outside tutoring. Therefore the scores that you see are the children’s alone which is quite commendable. For all those who have ennumber of times thought of the ninety percent and above, I request you to reflect on the efforts of the students, the teachers and the school as a community.
Moving on we have introduced a comprehensive diary which tells you the yearly schedule of the school alongside examinations, important days, procedures , last date for an application & holidays. Reminders are also sent on the class WhatsApp groups. We request you to please go through it at leisure.
Environment Day was celebrated on 5 th June 2021 in an online mode with great zeal and zest by the children participating in various activities during the assembly spreading awareness that nature is an integral part of living on earth.
The students learned through the system of voting that they are the ones who can choose a leader for themselves, someone who will represent them and talk on behalf of them. An activity-based learning for the students which helped them learn their Social Science concept.
Investiture Ceremony was held on 25th of August 2021 acknowledging the leaders of the school. It was indeed a day of great pleasure for the young achievers. Student’s elected leaders as part of the white house of the school are as follows:
- Head boy – Mohammed Mustaqueem Hussain (Cl X)
- Head Girl – Shejal Gupta (Cl X)
- Morality House Captain – Shriya MS (Cl IX)
- Morality House Vice Captain –Pooja K (Cl IX)
- Fraternity House Captain- Pratikshaya Priyadarshini Patra (Cl IX)
- Fraternity House Vice Captain- Rahimaa Syed (Cl IX)
- Humanity House Captain – Shreenidhi Shrikant Patil (Cl IX)
- Humanity House Vice Captain – Syed Moazzam Ayan (Cl IX)
- Clarity House Captain- C Nandita (Cl IX)
- Clarity House Vice Captain- BN Dhanush (Cl IX)
‘You cannot control what goes on outside, but you can control what goes on inside’ is a famous saying that goes hand in hand with Yoga. It has been an integral part of the school system and we are proud to see children wanting to practice the asanas accurately for better mental and emotional balance. Online/ offline yoga classes were an integral part of the entire year.
Special Assemblies have been a part of the school culture. They touch upon not only moral values but also concepts that the child living in a society needs to know about. All-important festivals were celebrated.
I quote Benjamin Franklin ‘Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn’ Unquote. Visual learning and demonstrations have been a part of the curriculum. Learning through narration, talk, role-play, mono dialogues, dramatization and presentations are all a part of this and I must say our children are very talented in all this. Apart from this we have kept ourselves abreast with all the CBSE monthly activities to date.
Stress is an Epidemic. Managing stress is all about taking charge of your thoughts emotions environment and the way you deal with problems. Class IX & X have has a wonderful year with their teachers acting as mentors to help them cope with post pandemic issues.
Celebrating national festivals is a sense of pride for us and the children participated with zeal and fervor. Independence Day was celebrated with equal enthusiasm with teachers in the school campus. Since we were still in the online mode then we had a special assembly for the students class LKG -10. The patriotic dance done by students was wonderful executed. Participation was at its peak. Students also spoke about the importance of this day. It filled us with a great sense of patriotism.
A vital part of growth of students depends on their participation in inter school competitions & we at Young Scholars Academy believe that such participation leads to an overall development of an individual. We had our students participate in various competitions such as Storytelling, spell bee, creative writing, painting, pick n speak & sports competitions. It gives me great pleasure to inform you that they have emerged as winners in all fields.
We had an achievers meet on 25th September 2021, & had invited Mr. Shahavir Tarapore Hon. Joint Secretary of KSCA, to speak to the students about the importance of sports and the dedication a d hard work behind it.
Teacher’s day was celebrated with great excitement. A Special assembly was conducted talking about the importance of this day online. The management had organized a special lunch along with some music dance and games. The teachers were given a token of appreciation from the management for which they are thankful.
The computer classes are one of the most loved ones because they get to work on individualized systems, and this gives them freedom and a sense of ‘I know it all’. However, guidance and support is provided to keep a check on them and I request you to do the same at home too.
Reading in the library is an all-time favorite of the students as they equip themselves with knowledge and creativity of ideas and thoughts. Losing themselves in the fantasy land of magic and mystery during this period is inevitable. My sincere request to you all is to encourage them to read books that are age appropriate. In the long run it will help them improve their vocabulary and English. Post pandemic students were glad to be back in the library.
Hindi Divas saw an array of activities done by the students with the guidance of their teachers. Poem recitation, Quiz session and dance were a few activities that were conducted on stage during the assembly.
Various Co-Curricular Activities were held to develop children physically, morally, socially and mentally and to hone skills in co-scholastic areas and display their caliber.
In keeping with the school’s policy of continuous up gradation of knowledge and skills, our teachers attended various workshops and seminars organized by the school and others to improve their academic transaction skills and to update their capabilities. Teacher’s workshops organized by CBSE was attended by all faculty members especially high school teachers to help them keep themselves updated with the changes in the curriculum & pattern of question papers.
We have also been having games and sports for the students in-house to encourage them to participate in all sport activities.
Janmashthami was celebrated in the online e mode. A special dance was screened for the occasion depicting the love between Yashoda and Shri Krishna.
Diwali was another wonderful occasion wherein many decorated diyas and many sent us videos as to share how they celebrate the special occasion at home.
Kannada Rajyotsava was celebrated with great enthusiasm. The children from 1-10 participated in the program. An array of songs, dances & dialogues were portrayed. The song was enjoyed by all sending a message to each one that God is found everywhere even in one’s work.
Graduation Day was celebrated on the 19th of March 2022 for the Class 10 students. The occasion was graced by Mrs. Renu Srinivasan , Education Consultant , & Chairperson of Sneha Society for Counselling . A nostalgic day for the students and parents. The Shikshavali was recited followed by lovely musical renditions by the out going students The alumni batches of year 2019-20, 2020-21 were also present for thus occasion. The achiever for those batches were felicitated with silver leaves by the chief guest and management.
I quote Mahatma Gandhi “Live as if you will die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever.” Unquote
We believe that the quality of your thinking, determines the quality of your mind.
Some milestones have been achieved and many still have to be reached. We at Young Scholars will continue our unceasing efforts to mould the young minds into well balanced personalities with confidence and zeal befitting the standards of this portal of education with your continuous support and encouragement.
We wish to dedicate all our achievements to the committed effort of a committed team called Young Scholars Academy. We humbly salute our visionary leaders and seek the blessings of the almighty to guide us in all our endeavors.
I would like to conclude by quoting our School Motto — To Learn To Lead. We see a potential leader in every child studying here and through the parent teacher interactions we hope to tap each one’s potential for their benefit.
I would like to thank all the members of the management, staff members and support staff who have been the reason why we have been able to sail smoothly during the pandemic and post it.
Thank you
God bless u all!
At the onset, let me brief you about the inception of this school. Sri. Late A.S. Narayana Raju is the founder of this young institution called Young Scholars Academy. He is also a co-founder of ASK Brothers Enterprise, a name synonymous with construction and asset management. It is a diverse corporation with a family tradition of over six decades, which has created a benchmark for excellence, integrity and creativity in the construction industry, commercial complexes, educational institutions, and hospitality infrastructure.
Now his children are carrying forward the family mantle and remain committed to excellent value proposition with the vision to provide quality education to all students of this institution. Currently it is managed by his son Sri Ravi kumar Raju and Smt. Tara Raju the current Chairman & Secretary respectively. Their children too, are young Directors of this institution, Smt. Tanya Raju & Kum. Trisha Raju, following their footsteps. A supportive management and wonderful people with a vision to give better education to the students rule the helm of this wonderful institution. It would be unfair if I don’t mention the parent fraternity who has had faith in us for so many years and we promise to deliver our best.
This report showcases the achievements and glories of our school, undoubtedly, but also makes us think deeply about strengthening ourselves in various other areas. We have always been committed to create an environment in the school which helps the young minds to blossom and provide a platform for individual thinking and holistic development of the child’s personality.
We have set standards and goals for ourselves and strive hard to achieve them – be it in the area of academics, sports, discipline, leadership and more. Each year students have made the school proud with their brilliant efforts not only in the field of academics but also in the co- curricular areas.
I wish to throw light upon our performance on the academic and co-curricular front through this presentation. Achieving academic excellence is at the heart of our endeavour as educators. Academic achievements reflect a demonstrated ability to perform to the best of one’s ability by developing one’s intellectual potentials and skills with diligence and passion. We are happy to share the details of the commendable performances of our students of Classes LKG to X. Excellence in academics is the hallmark of any good institution and results of the school prove without any doubt that our students have made us proud and will continue to do so.
Young Scholars Academy is a diverse community committed to living our faith and to challenging the whole child through academic excellence, physical development and social-emotional growth in a respectful and supportive environment.
We hope to make a BIG DIFFERENCE in the lives of our students who are tomorrow’s leaders. We are grateful toour families, grandparents, alumni, parents of alumni, and friends who enrich us with time, talents and treasures. We are appreciative of our amazing faculty and staff who tirelessly dedicate their time and energy to our students. We extend much gratitude to each of you for your support to Young Scholars Academy! Thanks for your support, we are able to fulfill our mission To Learn to Lead with hands-on learning experience for our scholars that’s both affordable and accessible. We have accomplished a lot this year and will do so here on.
As a parent, you are the major provider of your child’s education from birth through adolescence. You guide the development of his/her character and mental health and help form the foundation from which he/she’ll develop lifelong attitudes and interests. And because your home is the primary environment in which your child’s potential and personality will take shape, it’s important to make sure that you create a positive, open atmosphere that will not only support what goes on in the classroom, but will also instill the desire to learn.
It is through your love and encouragement that your kids will become motivated — first to please you, and then to please themselves. This leads to self-confidence, curiosity, the enjoyment of mastering new tasks, and other healthy attitudes, all of which contribute to successful learning.
But unless you are home-schooling, you will not be the one teaching your child science or geography. And while it’s true that all of the facts, skills, and concepts your children learn at school are influenced by what you do at home, your child’s education is equally impacted by the relationships you form with his/her teachers. Building an effective relationship with the teacher is a critical task, and, like you, every teacher wants to achieve this goal. As with any relationship, mutual respect, the ability to listen, and lots of communication form the foundation.
When parents and teachers work well together, everyone benefits. Parents and teachers can provide each other with unique insight and different perspectives about the same child, culminating in a more complete understanding of that child, her abilities, strengths, and challenges. The teacher will know much more about the curriculum and the school culture, while you know more about your child’s personality, tendencies, and family life. A successful parent-teacher partnership also shows a child that an entire team of adults is on his/her side.
I proudly present to you toppers of our school.
- All rounder : Mohammad Afnan Kazim
- English Topper : Mohammad Afnan Kazim
- Social Studies Topper : Aman Aiyappa N M
- Foundation of IT Topper : Amina Hiba Shaikh
- Science Topper : Giridhar Patil
Let me tell you the percentage scored by these kids is entirely their own efforts with no outside tutoring. Our teachers have put in their best foot forward to ensure that these children emerge as winners. Congratulations to each one of you children, you make us proud.
Let me also tell you about our current batch of class 10 students who aspire to become engineers and doctors are not going for any outside tutoring. Therefore the scores that you see are the children’s alone which is quite commendable. For all those who have en- number of times thought of the ninety percent and above, I request you to reflect on the efforts of the students, the teachers and the school as a community.
Moving on we have brought about a comprehensive diary which tells you the yearly schedule of the school alongside examinations, important days & holidays. I request you to please go through it at leisure. This time we have been sending diary notes and sms. But we will restrict itfrom next academic year onwards
We have brought in the mobile app FEDENA for your ultimate convenience. I request all of you to refer to this app regularly for updates of the events, photos, fees payments, announcements, timetable, attendance of your ward and so on and so forth.
Environment Day was celebrated on 6th June 2019 with great zeal and zest by the children participating in various activities during the assembly spreading awareness that nature is an integral part of living on earth. We also partnered with students Rajiv Gandhi dental college to plant saplings and for a free dental checkup for all students. Around 50 saplings were planted by the students of Young Scholars Academy from Grade I to X. LKG & UKG planted mustard for this occasion.
The students learned through the system of voting that they are the ones who can choose a leader for themselves, someone who will represent them and talk on behalf of them. An activity-based learning for the students which helped them learn their Social Science concept.
Investiture Ceremony was held on 15th of June 2019 acknowledging the leaders of the school. It was indeed a day of great pleasure for the young achievers. Student’s elected leadersas part of the white house of the school are as follows:
- Head boy : Pramod A S
- Head Girl : Mehnaaz
- Discipline Captain : Amna Bushra
- Sports Captain : Karthik K
- Cultural Captain : Harini B L
This was followed by the election of the House Captains and Vice Captains from class 9 & 8 respectively.
‘You cannot control what goes on outside, but you can control what goes on inside’ is a famous saying that goes hand in hand with Yoga. It has been an integral part of the school system and we are proud to see children wanting to practice the asanas accurately for better mental and emotional balance.
As a part of learning an educational trip was organized to the Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium for students to witness a show on the Solar System that was academically related at various levels. The trip was also well enjoyed by them as they got some time to play in the park outside under constant guidance of the teachers.
Special Assemblies have been a part of the school culture. They touch upon not only moral values but also concepts that the child living in a society needs to know about.
I quote Benjamin Franklin ‘Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn’ Unquote. Visual learning and demonstrations have been a part of the curriculum. Learning through narration, talk, role-play, mono dialogues, dramatization and presentations are all a part of this and I must say our children are very talented in all this.
To keep ourselves abreast with the changes in the curriculum pattern of CBSE I had the fortune of attending a Workshop arranged by the Academy for Creative Teaching (ACT), our handholding partners.
Stress is an Epidemic. Managing stress is all about taking charge of your thoughts emotions environment and the way you deal with problems. Grade IX & X students had a stress management session with students from Mount Carmel College in which they learnt how to manage exam stress through fun activities.
Celebrating national festivals is a sense of pride for us and the children participated with zeal and fervor. Independence day was celebrated with equal enthusiasm with children performing to various patriotic songs. They also spoke about the importance of this day. It filled us with a great sense of patriotism.
A vital part of growth of students depends on their participation in inter school competitions & we at Young Scholars Academy believe that such participation leads to an overall development of an individual. We had our students participate in various competitions such as Storytelling, cooking without fire, spell bee, creative writing, painting, pick n speak & sports competitions. It gives me great pleasure to inform you that they have emerged as winners in many fields.
Art integration is an integral part of the academic curriculum this year. We had an achievers meet on 31st of August 2019, & had invited Ms. Brunda Deepak a well-known classical dancer to speak to the students about the importance of performing & visual arts.
Teacher’s day was celebrated with great excitement. A Special assembly was conducted talking about the importance of this day. Grade IX & X students took up the responsibility of making the staff of there school play games & have some fun. It was a day where the students experienced role reversal. They concluded that a teacher plays a vital role in molding the character & shaping the future of a student.
The computer classes are one of the most loved ones because they get to work on individualized systems, and this gives them freedom and a sense of ‘I know it all’. However, guidance and support is provided to keep a check on them and I request you to do the same at home too.
Reading in the library is an all time favourite of the students as they equip themselves with knowledge and creativity of ideas and thoughts. Losing themselves in the fantasy land of magic and mystery during this period is inevitable. My sincere request to you all is to encourage them to read books that are age appropriate. In the long run it will help them improve their vocabulary and English. National library day was celebrated in school too.
Hindi Divas saw an array of activities done by the students with the guidance of their teachers. Poem recitation, Quiz session and dance were a few activities that were conducted on stage during the assembly.
Various Co-Curricular Activities were held to develop children physically, morally, socially and mentally and to hone skills in co-scholastic areas and display their caliber.
In keeping with the school’s policy of continuous upgradation of knowledge and skills, our teachers attended various workshops and seminars organized by the school and others to improve their academic transaction skills and to update their capabilities. Teachers workshops organized by CBSE was attended by many faculty members especially high school teachers to help them keep themselves updated with the changes in the curriculum & pattern of question papers.
It gives me great joy to share with you the news that one of our senior teachers Ms. Mary Pauline was recently felicitated by the State Government of Karnataka on the occasion of teacher’s day. She is currently the high school teacher & teaches kannada.
We have also been having games and sports for the students inhouse to encourage them to participate in all sport activities. Inhouse certificates have been given. Please remember we have 4 months more before the academic year ends and each level will participate.
Celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of M.K Gandhi was done with great fervor. Various competitions at different levels were organized by the CBSE board which were conducted over a period of time.The children participated enthusiastically to showcase their talent.
Market Day for class LKG- 3 was organized in Little Scholars Montessori was a huge success with the kids. They enjoyed their time out looking at the array of fruits and vegetables that were displayed. Simultaneously they were also taught what they were expected to do when they visited the market place with their parents.
Diwali was another wonderful occasion wherein we had called a potter to help children make various small pots and diyas. The experience of molding the clay into various shapes was exciting and the children loved dirtying their hands with clay. LKG to class 3 received decorated diyas.
SEWA an activity promoted by CBSE was done with enthusiasm. The children of the school contributed to the Assam relief fund and the high school children did a gardening project which was a huge success. Our children have a wonderful sense of business as they reaped profits for marketing the fresh veggies to the teachers and helpers. Their marketing strategies were commendable. The profits will be reinvested in another gardening project beneficial for the students and the school.
I quote Mahatma Gandhi “Live as if you will die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever.”
We believe that the quality of your thinking, determines the quality of your mind.
Some milestones have been achieved and many still have to be reached. We at Young Scholars will continue our unceasing efforts to mold the young minds into well balanced personalities with confidence and zeal befitting the standards of this portal of education with your continuous support and encouragement.
We wish to dedicate all our achievements to the committed effort of a committed team called Young Scholars Academy. We humbly salute our visionary leaders and seek the blessings of the almighty to guide us in all our endeavors.
I would like to conclude by quoting our School Motto — To Learn To Lead. We see a potential leader in every child studying here and through the parent teacher interactions we hope to tap each one’s potential for their benefit.
I hope you all enjoyed it and that it was insightful. I would like to thank all the members of the management, staff members and support staff who have been the reason why we have been able to organize this event today. Once again, A special thank you to our dignitaries for gracing this occasion.
Thank you. I hope you enjoy yourselves.
At the onset, let me brief you about the inception of this school. Sri. Late A.S. Narayana Raju is the founder of this young institution called Young Scholars Academy. He is also a co-founder of ASK Brothers Enterprise, a name synonymous with construction and asset management. It is a diverse corporation with a family tradition of over six decades, which has created a benchmark for excellence, integrity and creativity in the construction industry, commercial complexes, educational institutions, and hospitality infrastructure.
Now his children are carrying forward the family mantle and remain committed to excellent value proposition with the vision to provide quality education to all students of this institution. Currently it is managed by his son Sri Ravi kumar Raju and Smt. Tara Raju the current Chairman & Secretary respectively. Their children too, are young Directors of this institution, Smt. Tanya Raju & Kum. Trisha Raju, following their footsteps. A supportive management and wonderful people with a vision to give better education to the students rule the helm of this wonderful institution. It would be unfair if I don’t mention the parent fraternity who has had faith in us for so many years and we promise to deliver our best.
This report showcases the achievements and glories of our school, undoubtedly, but also makes us think deeply about strengthening ourselves in various other areas. We have always been committed to create an environment in the school which helps the young minds to blossom and provide a platform for individual thinking and holistic development of the child’s personality.
We have set standards and goals for ourselves and strive hard to achieve them – be it in the area of academics, sports, discipline, leadership and more. Each year students have made the school proud with their brilliant efforts not only in the field of academics but also in the co- curricular areas.
I wish to throw light upon our performance on the academic and co-curricular front through this presentation. Achieving academic excellence is at the heart of our endeavour as educators. Academic achievements reflect a demonstrated ability to perform to the best of one’s ability by developing one’s intellectual potentials and skills with diligence and passion. We are happy to share the details of the commendable performances of our students of Classes LKG to X. Excellence in academics is the hallmark of any good institution and results of the school prove without any doubt that our students have made us proud and will continue to do so.
Young Scholars Academy is a diverse community committed to living our faith and to challenging the whole child through academic excellence, physical development and social-emotional growth in a respectful and supportive environment.
We hope to make a BIG DIFFERENCE in the lives of our students who are tomorrow’s leaders. We are grateful toour families, grandparents, alumni, parents of alumni, and friends who enrich us with time, talents and treasures. We are appreciative of our amazing faculty and staff who tirelessly dedicate their time and energy to our students. We extend much gratitude to each of you for your support to Young Scholars Academy! Thanks for your support, we are able to fulfill our mission To Learn to Lead with hands-on learning experience for our scholars that’s both affordable and accessible. We have accomplished a lot this year and will do so here on.
As a parent, you are the major provider of your child’s education from birth through adolescence. You guide the development of his/her character and mental health and help form the foundation from which he/she’ll develop lifelong attitudes and interests. And because your home is the primary environment in which your child’s potential and personality will take shape, it’s important to make sure that you create a positive, open atmosphere that will not only support what goes on in the classroom, but will also instill the desire to learn.
It is through your love and encouragement that your kids will become motivated — first to please you, and then to please themselves. This leads to self-confidence, curiosity, the enjoyment of mastering new tasks, and other healthy attitudes, all of which contribute to successful learning.
But unless you are home-schooling, you will not be the one teaching your child science or geography. And while it’s true that all of the facts, skills, and concepts your children learn at school are influenced by what you do at home, your child’s education is equally impacted by the relationships you form with his/her teachers. Building an effective relationship with the teacher is a critical task, and, like you, every teacher wants to achieve this goal. As with any relationship, mutual respect, the ability to listen, and lots of communication form the foundation.
When parents and teachers work well together, everyone benefits. Parents and teachers can provide each other with unique insight and different perspectives about the same child, culminating in a more complete understanding of that child, her abilities, strengths, and challenges. The teacher will know much more about the curriculum and the school culture, while you know more about your child’s personality, tendencies, and family life. A successful parent-teacher partnership also shows a child that an entire team of adults is on his/her side.
I proudly present to you toppers of our school.
- All rounder : Mohammad Afnan Kazim
- English Topper : Mohammad Afnan Kazim
- Social Studies Topper : Aman Aiyappa N M
- Foundation of IT Topper : Amina Hiba Shaikh
- Science Topper : Giridhar Patil
Let me tell you the percentage scored by these kids is entirely their own efforts with no outside tutoring. Our teachers have put in their best foot forward to ensure that these children emerge as winners. Congratulations to each one of you children, you make us proud.
Let me also tell you about our current batch of class 10 students who aspire to become engineers and doctors are not going for any outside tutoring. Therefore the scores that you see are the children’s alone which is quite commendable. For all those who have en- number of times thought of the ninety percent and above, I request you to reflect on the efforts of the students, the teachers and the school as a community.
Moving on we have brought about a comprehensive diary which tells you the yearly schedule of the school alongside examinations, important days & holidays. I request you to please go through it at leisure. This time we have been sending diary notes and sms. But we will restrict itfrom next academic year onwards.
We have brought in the mobile app FEDENA for your ultimate convenience. I request all of you to refer to this app regularly for updates of the events, photos, fees payments, announcements, timetable, attendance of your ward and so on and so forth.
Environment Day was celebrated on 6th June 2019 with great zeal and zest by the children participating in various activities during the assembly spreading awareness that nature is an integral part of living on earth. We also partnered with students Rajiv Gandhi dental college to plant saplings and for a free dental checkup for all students. Around 50 saplings were planted by the students of Young Scholars Academy from Grade I to X. LKG & UKG planted mustard for this occasion.
The students learned through the system of voting that they are the ones who can choose a leader for themselves, someone who will represent them and talk on behalf of them. An activity-based learning for the students which helped them learn their Social Science concept.
Investiture Ceremony was held on 15th of June 2019 acknowledging the leaders of the school. It was indeed a day of great pleasure for the young achievers. Student’s elected leadersas part of the white house of the school are as follows:
- Head boy : Pramod A S
- Head Girl : Mehnaaz
- Discipline Captain : Amna Bushra
- Sports Captain : Karthik K
- Cultural Captain : Harini B L
This was followed by the election of the House Captains and Vice Captains from class 9 & 8 respectively.
‘You cannot control what goes on outside, but you can control what goes on inside’ is a famous saying that goes hand in hand with Yoga. It has been an integral part of the school system and we are proud to see children wanting to practice the asanas accurately for better mental and emotional balance.
As a part of learning an educational trip was organized to the Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium for students to witness a show on the Solar System that was academically related at various levels. The trip was also well enjoyed by them as they got some time to play in the park outside under constant guidance of the teachers.
Special Assemblies have been a part of the school culture. They touch upon not only moral values but also concepts that the child living in a society needs to know about.
I quote Benjamin Franklin ‘Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn’ Unquote. Visual learning and demonstrations have been a part of the curriculum. Learning through narration, talk, role-play, mono dialogues, dramatization and presentations are all a part of this and I must say our children are very talented in all this. Apart from this we have kept ourselves abreast with all the CBSE monthly activities to date.
I had the fortune of attending a Workshop arranged by the Academy for Creative Teaching (ACT), our handholding partners to keep myself updated with the CBSE curriculum. It was wonderful session that was enjoyed by all.
Stress is an Epidemic. Managing stress is all about taking charge of your thoughts emotions environment and the way you deal with problems. Grade IX & X students had a stress management session with students from Mount Carmel College in which they learnt how to manage exam stress through fun activities.
Celebrating national festivals is a sense of pride for us and the children participated with zeal and fervor. Independence day was celebrated with equal enthusiasm with children performing to various patriotic songs. They also spoke about the importance of this day. It filled us with a great sense of patriotism.
A vital part of growth of students depends on their participation in inter school competitions & we at Young Scholars Academy believe that such participation leads to an overall development of an individual. We had our students participate in various competitions such as Storytelling, cooking without fire, spell bee, creative writing, painting, pick n speak & sports competitions. It gives me great pleasure to inform you that they have emerged as winners in many fields.
Art integration is an integral part of the academic curriculum this year. We had an achievers meet on 31st of August 2019, & had invited Ms. Brunda Deepak a well-known classical dancer to speak to the students about the importance of performing & visual arts.
Teacher’s day was celebrated with great excitement. A Special assembly was conducted talking about the importance of this day. Grade IX & X students took up the responsibility of making the staff of there school play games & have some fun. It was a day where the students experienced role reversal. They concluded that a teacher plays a vital role in molding the character & shaping the future of a student.
The computer classes are one of the most loved ones because they get to work on individualized systems, and this gives them freedom and a sense of ‘I know it all’. However, guidance and support is provided to keep a check on them and I request you to do the same at home too.
Reading in the library is an all time favourite of the students as they equip themselves with knowledge and creativity of ideas and thoughts. Losing themselves in the fantasy land of magic and mystery during this period is inevitable. My sincere request to you all is to encourage them to read books that are age appropriate. In the long run it will help them improve their vocabulary and English. National library day was celebrated in school too.
Hindi Divas saw an array of activities done by the students with the guidance of their teachers. Poem recitation, Quiz session and dance were a few activities that were conducted on stage during the assembly.
Various Co-Curricular Activities were held to develop children physically, morally, socially and mentally and to hone skills in co-scholastic areas and display their caliber.
In keeping with the school’s policy of continuous upgradation of knowledge and skills, our teachers attended various workshops and seminars organized by the school and others to improve their academic transaction skills and to update their capabilities. Teachers workshops organized by CBSE was attended by many faculty members especially high school teachers to help them keep themselves updated with the changes in the curriculum & pattern of question papers.
It gives me great joy to share with you the news that one of our senior teachers Ms. Mary Pauline was recently felicitated by the State Government of Karnataka on the occasion of teacher’s day. She is currently the high school teacher & teaches kannada.
We have also been having games and sports for the students inhouse to encourage them to participate in all sport activities. Inhouse certificates have been given. Please remember we have 4 months more before the academic year ends and each level will participate.
Celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of M.K Gandhi was done with great fervor. Various competitions at different levels were organized by the CBSE board which were conducted over a period of time.The children participated enthusiastically to showcase their talent.
Market Day for class LKG- 3 was organized in Little Scholars Montessori was a huge success with the kids. They enjoyed their time out looking at the array of fruits and vegetables that were displayed. Simultaneously they were also taught what they were expected to do when they visited the market place with their parents.
Diwali was another wonderful occasion wherein we had called a potter to help children make various small pots and diyas. The experience of molding the clay into various shapes was exciting and the children loved dirtying their hands with clay. LKG to class 3 received decorated diyas.
SEWA an activity promoted by CBSE was done with enthusiasm. The children of the school contributed to the Assam relief fund and the high school children did a gardening project which was a huge success. Our children have a wonderful sense of business as they reaped profits for marketing the fresh veggies to the teachers and helpers. Their marketing strategies were commendable. The profits will be reinvested in another gardening project beneficial for the students and the school.
Kannada Rajyotsava was celebrated with great enthusiasm. The children from 1-10 participated in the program. An array of songs, dances & dialogues were portrayed. The skit was enjoyed by all sending a message to each one that God is found everywhere even in one’s work.
On 22nd Nov 2019 the LKG & UKG students received the different modes of transportation displayed by LSM. They loved the show. They also learnt to identify traffic signals, zebra crossings and names of different vehicles.
I quote Mahatma Gandhi “Live as if you will die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever.”
We believe that the quality of your thinking, determines the quality of your mind.
Some milestones have been achieved and many still have to be reached. We at Young Scholars will continue our unceasing efforts to mold the young minds into well balanced personalities with confidence and zeal befitting the standards of this portal of education with your continuous support and encouragement.
We wish to dedicate all our achievements to the committed effort of a committed team called Young Scholars Academy. We humbly salute our visionary leaders and seek the blessings of the almighty to guide us in all our endeavors.
I would like to conclude by quoting our School Motto — To Learn To Lead. We see a potential leader in every child studying here and through the parent teacher interactions we hope to tap each one’s potential for their benefit.
I hope you all enjoyed it and that it was insightful. I would like to thank all the members of the management, staff members and support staff who have been the reason why we have been able to organize this event today. Once again, A special thank you to our dignitaries for gracing this occasion.
Thank you. I hope you enjoy yourselves.
Now his children are carrying forward the family mantle and remain committed to excellent value proposition with the vision to provide quality education to all students of this institution. Currently it is managed by his son Sri Ravi kumar Raju and Smt. Tara Raju the current Chairman & Secretary respectively. Their children too, are young Directors of this institution, Smt. Tanya Raju & Kum. Trisha Raju, following their footsteps. A supportive management and wonderful people with a vision to give better education to the students rule the helm of this wonderful institution. It would be unfair if I don’t mention the parent fraternity who has had faith in us for so many years and we promise to deliver our best.
This report showcases the achievements and glories of our school, undoubtedly, but also makes us think deeply about strengthening ourselves in various other areas. We have always been committed to create an environment in the school which helps the young minds to blossom and provide a platform for individual thinking and holistic development of the child’s personality.
We have set standards and goals for ourselves and strive hard to achieve them – be it in the area of academics, sports, discipline, leadership and more. Each year students have made the school proud with their brilliant efforts not only in the field of academics but also in the co- curricular areas.
I wish to throw light upon our performance on the academic and co-curricular front through this presentation. Achieving academic excellence is at the heart of our endeavour as educators. Academic achievements reflect a demonstrated ability to perform to the best of one’s ability by developing one’s intellectual potentials and skills with diligence and passion. We are happy to share the details of the commendable performances of our students of Classes LKG to X. Excellence in academics is the hallmark of any good institution and results of the school prove without any doubt that our students have made us proud and will continue to do so.
Young Scholars Academy is a diverse community committed to living our faith and to challenging the whole child through academic excellence, physical development and social-emotional growth in a respectful and supportive environment.
We hope to make a BIG DIFFERENCE in the lives of our students who are tomorrow’s leaders. We are grateful toour families, grandparents, alumni, parents of alumni, and friends who enrich us with time, talents and treasures. We are appreciative of our amazing faculty and staff who tirelessly dedicate their time and energy to our students. We extend much gratitude to each of you for your support to Young Scholars Academy! Thanks for your support, we are able to fulfill our mission To Learn to Lead with hands-on learning experience for our scholars that’s both affordable and accessible. We have accomplished a lot this year and will do so here on.
As a parent, you are the major provider of your child’s education from birth through adolescence. You guide the development of his/her character and mental health and help form the foundation from which he/she’ll develop lifelong attitudes and interests. And because your home is the primary environment in which your child’s potential and personality will take shape, it’s important to make sure that you create a positive, open atmosphere that will not only support what goes on in the classroom, but will also instill the desire to learn.
It is through your love and encouragement that your kids will become motivated — first to please you, and then to please themselves. This leads to self-confidence, curiosity, the enjoyment of mastering new tasks, and other healthy attitudes, all of which contribute to successful learning.
But unless you are home-schooling, you will not be the one teaching your child science or geography. And while it’s true that all of the facts, skills, and concepts your children learn at school are influenced by what you do at home, your child’s education is equally impacted by the relationships you form with his/her teachers. Building an effective relationship with the teacher is a critical task, and, like you, every teacher wants to achieve this goal. As with any relationship, mutual respect, the ability to listen, and lots of communication form the foundation.
When parents and teachers work well together, everyone benefits. Parents and teachers can provide each other with unique insight and different perspectives about the same child, culminating in a more complete understanding of that child, her abilities, strengths, and challenges. The teacher will know much more about the curriculum and the school culture, while you know more about your child’s personality, tendencies, and family life. A successful parent-teacher partnership also shows a child that an entire team of adults is on his/her side.
I proudly present to you toppers of our school.
- All rounder : Mohammad Afnan Kazim
- English Topper : Mohammad Afnan Kazim
- Social Studies Topper : Aman Aiyappa N M
- Foundation of IT Topper : Amina Hiba Shaikh
- Science Topper : Giridhar Patil
Let me tell you the percentage scored by these kids is entirely their own efforts with no outside tutoring. Our teachers have put in their best foot forward to ensure that these children emerge as winners. Congratulations to each one of you children, you make us proud.
Let me also tell you about our current batch of class 10 students who aspire to become engineers and doctors are not going for any outside tutoring. Therefore the scores that you see are the children’s alone which is quite commendable. For all those who have en- number of times thought of the ninety percent and above, I request you to reflect on the efforts of the students, the teachers and the school as a community.
Moving on we have brought about a comprehensive diary which tells you the yearly schedule of the school alongside examinations, important days & holidays. I request you to please go through it at leisure. This time we have been sending diary notes and sms. But we will restrict itfrom next academic year onwards
We have brought in the mobile app FEDENA for your ultimate convenience. I request all of you to refer to this app regularly for updates of the events, photos, fees payments, announcements, timetable, attendance of your ward and so on and so forth.
Environment Day was celebrated on 6th June 2019 with great zeal and zest by the children participating in various activities during the assembly spreading awareness that nature is an integral part of living on earth. We also partnered with students Rajiv Gandhi dental college to plant saplings and for a free dental checkup for all students. Around 50 saplings were planted by the students of Young Scholars Academy from Grade I to X. LKG & UKG planted mustard for this occasion.
The students learned through the system of voting that they are the ones who can choose a leader for themselves, someone who will represent them and talk on behalf of them. An activity-based learning for the students which helped them learn their Social Science concept.
Investiture Ceremony was held on 15th of June 2019 acknowledging the leaders of the school. It was indeed a day of great pleasure for the young achievers. Student’s elected leadersas part of the white house of the school are as follows:
- Head boy : Pramod A S
- Head Girl : Mehnaaz
- Discipline Captain : Amna Bushra
- Sports Captain : Karthik K
- Cultural Captain : Harini B L
This was followed by the election of the House Captains and Vice Captains from class 9 & 8 respectively.
‘You cannot control what goes on outside, but you can control what goes on inside’ is a famous saying that goes hand in hand with Yoga. It has been an integral part of the school system and we are proud to see children wanting to practice the asanas accurately for better mental and emotional balance.
As a part of learning an educational trip was organized to the Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium for students to witness a show on the Solar System that was academically related at various levels. The trip was also well enjoyed by them as they got some time to play in the park outside under constant guidance of the teachers.
Special Assemblies have been a part of the school culture. They touch upon not only moral values but also concepts that the child living in a society needs to know about.
I quote Benjamin Franklin ‘Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn’ Unquote. Visual learning and demonstrations have been a part of the curriculum. Learning through narration, talk, role-play, mono dialogues, dramatization and presentations are all a part of this and I must say our children are very talented in all this.
To keep ourselves abreast with the changes in the curriculum pattern of CBSE I had the fortune of attending a Workshop arranged by the Academy for Creative Teaching (ACT), our handholding partners.
Stress is an Epidemic. Managing stress is all about taking charge of your thoughts emotions environment and the way you deal with problems. Grade IX & X students had a stress management session with students from Mount Carmel College in which they learnt how to manage exam stress through fun activities.
Celebrating national festivals is a sense of pride for us and the children participated with zeal and fervor. Independence day was celebrated with equal enthusiasm with children performing to various patriotic songs. They also spoke about the importance of this day. It filled us with a great sense of patriotism.
A vital part of growth of students depends on their participation in inter school competitions & we at Young Scholars Academy believe that such participation leads to an overall development of an individual. We had our students participate in various competitions such as Storytelling, cooking without fire, spell bee, creative writing, painting, pick n speak & sports competitions. It gives me great pleasure to inform you that they have emerged as winners in many fields.
Art integration is an integral part of the academic curriculum this year. We had an achievers meet on 31st of August 2019, & had invited Ms. Brunda Deepak a well-known classical dancer to speak to the students about the importance of performing & visual arts.
Teacher’s day was celebrated with great excitement. A Special assembly was conducted talking about the importance of this day. Grade IX & X students took up the responsibility of making the staff of there school play games & have some fun. It was a day where the students experienced role reversal. They concluded that a teacher plays a vital role in molding the character & shaping the future of a student.
The computer classes are one of the most loved ones because they get to work on individualized systems, and this gives them freedom and a sense of ‘I know it all’. However, guidance and support is provided to keep a check on them and I request you to do the same at home too.
Reading in the library is an all time favourite of the students as they equip themselves with knowledge and creativity of ideas and thoughts. Losing themselves in the fantasy land of magic and mystery during this period is inevitable. My sincere request to you all is to encourage them to read books that are age appropriate. In the long run it will help them improve their vocabulary and English. National library day was celebrated in school too.
Hindi Divas saw an array of activities done by the students with the guidance of their teachers. Poem recitation, Quiz session and dance were a few activities that were conducted on stage during the assembly.
Various Co-Curricular Activities were held to develop children physically, morally, socially and mentally and to hone skills in co-scholastic areas and display their caliber.
In keeping with the school’s policy of continuous upgradation of knowledge and skills, our teachers attended various workshops and seminars organized by the school and others to improve their academic transaction skills and to update their capabilities. Teachers workshops organized by CBSE was attended by many faculty members especially high school teachers to help them keep themselves updated with the changes in the curriculum & pattern of question papers.
It gives me great joy to share with you the news that one of our senior teachers Ms. Mary Pauline was recently felicitated by the State Government of Karnataka on the occasion of teacher’s day. She is currently the high school teacher & teaches kannada.
We have also been having games and sports for the students inhouse to encourage them to participate in all sport activities. Inhouse certificates have been given. Please remember we have 4 months more before the academic year ends and each level will participate.
Celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of M.K Gandhi was done with great fervor. Various competitions at different levels were organized by the CBSE board which were conducted over a period of time.The children participated enthusiastically to showcase their talent.
Market Day for class LKG- 3 was organized in Little Scholars Montessori was a huge success with the kids. They enjoyed their time out looking at the array of fruits and vegetables that were displayed. Simultaneously they were also taught what they were expected to do when they visited the market place with their parents.
Diwali was another wonderful occasion wherein we had called a potter to help children make various small pots and diyas. The experience of molding the clay into various shapes was exciting and the children loved dirtying their hands with clay. LKG to class 3 received decorated diyas.
SEWA an activity promoted by CBSE was done with enthusiasm. The children of the school contributed to the Assam relief fund and the high school children did a gardening project which was a huge success. Our children have a wonderful sense of business as they reaped profits for marketing the fresh veggies to the teachers and helpers. Their marketing strategies were commendable. The profits will be reinvested in another gardening project beneficial for the students and the school.
I quote Mahatma Gandhi “Live as if you will die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever.”
We believe that the quality of your thinking, determines the quality of your mind.
Some milestones have been achieved and many still have to be reached. We at Young Scholars will continue our unceasing efforts to mold the young minds into well balanced personalities with confidence and zeal befitting the standards of this portal of education with your continuous support and encouragement.
We wish to dedicate all our achievements to the committed effort of a committed team called Young Scholars Academy. We humbly salute our visionary leaders and seek the blessings of the almighty to guide us in all our endeavors.
I would like to conclude by quoting our School Motto — To Learn To Lead. We see a potential leader in every child studying here and through the parent teacher interactions we hope to tap each one’s potential for their benefit.
I hope you all enjoyed it and that it was insightful. I would like to thank all the members of the management, staff members and support staff who have been the reason why we have been able to organize this event today. Once again, A special thank you to our dignitaries for gracing this occasion.
Thank you. I hope you enjoy yourselves.