"We are rated one of the Top Ten CBSE schools in Bengaluru."



Kindly contact the school office for details regarding the admission process and campus visit.


Young Scholars Academy
# 1, Sy No 28/3 (RKB Estate) Vishwanath Nagenahalli Main Road, (Near Kanaka Nagar), R.T. Nagar Post, Bangalore 560032





+91-98803 03000

email : info@youngscholars.in


Weekdays – 09:00 am to 02:00 pm
Saturday – 09:00 am to 12:00 noon

Admission Guidelines

Admission into Young Scholars Academy is based on a written test and previous academic record. Prospective candidates should submit the following as applicable for admission:

1. Students will be admitted to Class I on the completion of 5 years and 5 months and maximum 6 years as on 1st June.
2. Students seeking admission from Class I – VIII are required to produce the following

Photocopy of

Aadhar Card

Marks Card of the previous grade


Birth Certificate

Transfer Certificate

STS number from the previous school

Caste Certificate

Passport size photos: 5 photos

3. Application forms and the prospectus can be obtained from the school office.
4. Admission process for Nursery to Class I is based on an interaction with the child, parents and seats available.
5. The admission process for Class II to IX involves three steps.

Admission is based purely on proficiency and merits.

Withdrawals / Transfer Certificate:

If a parent wishes to apply for Transfer Certificate, kindly follow as below:

1. Collect the Transfer Certificate format available in the school office on payment of Rs. 100/-
2. Submit the duly filled Transfer Certificate application well in advance to avoid payment of term fees. Last date for application of T.C is 31st March.
3. Online Transfer Certificate will be generated once the portal is open and fee dues are cleared.
4. The Transfer Certificate will be issued only after submitting the letter from the Principal of the school, where the child is seeking admission.


For Pre-primary

1st Installment: At the time of Admission

2nd Installment: 10th June

3rd Installment: 10th September

4th Installment: 10th December

For Classes I to VII

1st Installment: 10th April

2nd Installment: 5th July

3rd Installment: 5th November

4th Installment: 5th February

For Classes VIII to X

1st Installment: 15th March

2nd Installment: 5th July

3rd Installment: 5th November

4th Installment: 5th February

Note:If a cheque is not honoured, bank charges of Rs. 250/- will be levied which has to be borne by the parent. The transaction charges for swiping the credit cards also should be borne by the parents International cards will not be accepted.6

School Rules

1. No students will enter the school premises without the Identity Card. Similarly without producing the ID card/Gate Pass, no student will be permitted to leave the school during school hours.

2. When students leave the classroom for intervals or for library or laboratory, or physical education classes, they should go in line, in order and in silence, without chatting in the veranda.

3. Whenever students meet elders, or write to them, they must greet and address them properly.

4. When a student takes leave, he or she should get prior permission from the Principal or Vice-Principal and also should get the signature in the diary from the Principal or Vice-Principal before they enter the class.

a. Respect every teacher whether of your own class or not. Be grateful towards those who taught you in the past. Show your reverence by greeting the teachers whenever you meet them.

b. Be convinced that the teachers deeply feel their serious obligation of promoting your welfare in the best way by advising, guiding, commanding and correcting you. They have nothing else in mind other than your own good.

c. Be up to date in doing the test assigned to you by the teachers.

d. Always raise when your teacher enters the class and again when he/she leaves. If the teacher is late to class, do not make any noise but wait for him/her in your places in silence, by revising the lesson.

e. During class hours avoid interrupting or loud Talking.

5. While speaking to elders or teachers, students are always expected to stand erect, not lounge with their hands into their pockets. Arguing with teachers and elders is unbecoming.

6. Among themselves, students are expected to converse only in English. They should not indulge in indecent or vulgar language. Violation of this rule will invite serious sanctions.

7. Inside the classroom, students must maintain absolute silence, even in the absence of a teacher or during interval.

Code of Conduct

Good behaviour and discipline are key foundations for good education. We expect and insist on the highest standards of behaviour in our school. Courtesy, good manners and consideration for others, together with self-discipline and respect for authority, are encouraged at all times and are important if we are to make our school a true and caring community. We place great emphasis on praising children for being polite and kind to others.

Personal Grooming and Conduct

We expect our students to maintain high standards of personal conduct. As we believe that this cannot be practised in isolation, we expect our students to adhere to these standards not only while they are in school, but also at home and as a way of life.


i. Girls must wear only non precious small stud or small earrings.
ii. Girls with shoulder length hair must wear a ponytail with black rubber bands and black ribbons.
iii. Girls with long hair must neatly braid their hair in two plaits using black rubber bands and black ribbons.
iv. Girls with short hair must ensure that their hair does not fall on their face. They need to wear their hair back either by wearing a hair band or a clip.
v. Gold jewellery such as chains, bracelets and finger rings are not allowed.
vi. Girls are not allowed to grow or polish their nails or apply mehendi.


i. Hair should be cut regularly and well maintained.
ii. Boys will have to be personally well groomed with no stubble. No colouring of hair or fancy haircut is permitted.
iii. Gold jewellery such as chains, bracelets and finger rings are not allowed.

All Students should adhere to “No Tobacco Use” Guidelines. 

Guidelines for Parents

Our school engages and partners with parents in inculcating shared values to our pupils and your children. This can only be achieved if we work within a common framework of understanding and cooperation.

1. Parents are requested to cooperate with the school for enforcing discipline, regular attendance, completion of assignments and spend quality time with the child.

2. Parents are requested to send their children clean, neat and with ironed uniform and polished shoes.

3. The school diary has to be checked and signed by the parent/ guardian everyday.

4. Parents have to inform if there is any changes of address or telephone numbers in writing , so that the parents can be contacted in case of emergency.

5. No students must leave the school during school hours unless permission is granted by the Principal on a written request from the parent . In case of any emergency one of the parents / guardian has to personally pick up the child.

6. Parents are requested to inform the school management and class teacher in writing about any allergy, illness or any other health related problem of their children.

7. Parents are requested not to send medically unfit children to school till they recover fully . A prior notice is mandatory in case of long absence from school.

8. Parents are kindly requested to send healthy food and water. Napkin and spoon must be sent with the children.

9. Parents can meet teachers with prior appointment.

10. Possession of ID cards is compulsory for picking up children from school.

If the pick is not by the regular person, a written letter by the parent and ID card is mandatory.

Note To The Parents Availing Private Vehicles For Conveyance

A. Ascertain the credentials of the owner, driver and conductor of the vehicle adequately. Be in possession of their address and mobile number.
B. The condition of the vehicle is to be verified by the parents.
C. Ensure the presence of a conductor in the vehicle as it is mandatory as per the Government rule.
D. Advise your ward not to enter into any conversation with the driver or conductor.
E. Report to the Principal, in case the driver
i. Uses mobile phone while driving
ii. Drive rashly
iii. Switches on the music system
iv. Carries more than the permissible strength.
F. Advise your ward to remain inside the campus to board the vehicle.
G. Ensure that the owner has obtained prior permission for required route number from the Police/RTO to transport school students.

Guidelines for Students

Rules & Regulations

1. School starts at 8.20 a.m. with an assembly and a prayer. Student must be on time for the prayer. Students have to be regular to school.

2. Students have to be dropped inside the main school gate .

3. Late comers have get their late-coming record signed by the teacher in charge and subsequently by the parents or guardian. Repeated late comings will be dealt with seriously.

4. Students should take care of all school property. Any damage to the school property attracts fine. Students should not tamper with the othera??s belongings. No money transactions allowed.

5. Lunch/snacks should be carried by the children.

6. Bullying or foul use language will call for disciplinary action and will be dealt with severity.

7. Strict action will be taken against a student whose conduct is harmful to other students and performance in studies are constantly a concern.

8. No ornaments or large amount of cash is allowed to brought to school. Students are responsible for their own belongings.

9. All students must take part in Physical Education and other extra-curricular activities unless medically unfit or exempted by the Principal. A medical letter should be provided by the parent in order to exempt the student from attending physical education classes.

10. Students are not permitted to carry chemicals apparatus/USB drives/CDs in the labs without prior approval.

11. Students are strictly not allowed to carry cellular phones, walkman, discman, camera or any other high-end electronic devices to school, if found the gadget will be confiscated .

12. Students are discouraged from attending parties or social gatherings directly from school. They could do so from their homes with obvious permission from their parents.

Admission Enquiry Form